Training of Trainers in Agricultural standards and systems
The purpose of the Fostering Agricultural Markets Activity (FARMA) is to provide technical assistance in Bosnia Herzegovina (BiH) (sub) sectors of agriculture markets through demand driven assistance aimed at improved competitiveness of BiH agricultural products. FARMA is to expand environmentally sustainable production, processing and sales of value-added agricultural products. The expected result of FARMA is contribution to poverty reduction.
Most Producer Organization (POs) that are selling domestically, have adopted only the standards required by local laws, and they are not aware of many advantages that can be gained with implementation of standards and certification. POs need to be assisted to meet relevant standards and obtain certification to have sounder business practices and therefore achieve anticipated food safety and environmental benefits as well as access EU markets.
FARMA plans to provide comprehensive support to Producer Organizations to meet the required standards, through various training sessions and specific one-on-one advisory assistance. This ToT program was expected to complement other FARMA activities in this area.
The purpose of this assignment was to train key representatives of Producer Organizations, agricultural extension services and institutes in standards and quality management systems so they can facilitate the implementation of standards and systems in producer organizations.