References | North Africa and the Middle East

Thematic Evaluation of EU Support to PAR and PFM under IPA I and IPA II 2004 – 2020 Programming Years in Turkey


Public Financial Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Good Governance and Public Administration

Start date

End date

This thematic evaluation looked at the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) support relevant to the theme of Public Administration Reform (PAR), including Public Financial Management (PFM) and assessed individual projects (with a focus on some of them) in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of IPA contribution in the framework of such theme, notwithstanding the fact that a sector approach – due to a lack of agreement between the EU and Turkey – has not been applied in the programming and implementation phases of PAR support to Turkey.  This evaluation covered both IPA I and IPA II projects and also included the Local Administration Reform Phase I project (LAR I) financed under MEDA.

The main objectives of this evaluation were to provide the relevant services of the European Union, the interested stakeholders and the wider public with:

  • An overall independent assessment of the past performance of the interventions in the area of PAR/PFM, paying particular attention to its intermediate results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results
  • Key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future Interventions, as well as readiness of the country to receive future support in the form of budget support


The outputs of the evaluation were:

  • Recommendations on the DG NEAR policy approach on issues of good governance, Public Administration Reform and Public Finance Management, in the specific context of Turkey
  • The design of future PAR/PFM and more broadly good governance, related programmes and projects under IPA III, including budget support

The final report assessed each of evaluation questions (EQs), focusing mainly on resources use and their integration, action sequencing and integration, and best practice dissemination. The Intervention Logic was reconstructed with a special emphasis on local investment planning. The team of experts recommended the PAR/PFM strategic plan to be created and underlined the importance of coordinating donor actions.