Technical Assistance in HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) system implementation
The purpose of the Fostering Agricultural Markets Activity (FARMA) is to provide technical assistance in Bosnia Herzegovina (BiH) subsectors of agriculture markets through demand driven assistance aimed at improved competitiveness of BiH agricultural products. FARMA is to expand environmentally sustainable production, processing and sales of value-added agricultural products. The expected result of FARMA is economic growth and contribution to poverty reduction.
In many countries world-wide, legislation on the safety and suitability of foodstuffs requires “HACCP” (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) to be put in place by any food business or organisation, whether profit-making or not and whether public or private, carrying out any or all of the following activities: preparation, processing, manufacturing, packaging, storage, transportation, distribution, handling or offering for sale or supply of foodstuffs. According to Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the EU on the hygiene of foodstuffs all food business operators in the EU must implement HACCP.
The purpose of this activity was to assist selected Producers Organizations to implement HACCP system in their organization, so they can obtain HACCP certification.