Technical Assistance for Programme for Development of Land Administration
The objective of the programme was to develop an efficient land administration framework in line with the principals and High Level Policy Objectives addressed in the Land Administration Policy for Kosovo thereby contributing to efficient real property market, economic growth, democratic and sustainable development.
This was achieved by addressing aspects of the supporting infrastructure, especially the cadastre and immovable property rights registration operated by the Kosovo Cadastral Agency (KCA) at central level and the local cadastral offices at municipal level. Furthermore focus was on management issues as a part of further capacity building as well as support to the reorganisation, streamlining and business orientation of the cadastre organisation, the development of a private sector in cadastre measurement and surveying and the development of the academic and secondary education.
The programme:
- Supported institutional and capacity building including management and human resource development;
- Accelerated registration in both the cadastre and real property registration systems;
- Streamlined the registration procedures and the associated transaction processes;
- Improved customer relations and service provision, as well as organize awareness campaigns among stakeholders, aimed at supporting professionals, financial institutions, and real property holders;
- Addressed impediments to the operation of an efficient mortgage system;
- Supported developing of medium and long-term strategies for providing cadastral and spatial data.