Technical Advisory Services to SARDP III (2004-2010)
The Sida-Amhara Rural Development Program (SARDP) was a multi-sectoral development program initiated and implemented in partnership between the ANRS and Sida launched in 1997. During 1995-1996, ORGUT coordinated the Planning Phase of the programme. Subsequently, the ORGUT Scanagri Consortium was awarded the contract for the implementation of the first phase, which began in 1997 and also for the second phase between 2002 and 2005, as well as for the third phase between July 2004 and June 2010. In addition ORGUT Scanagri Consortium was awarded the contract for the bridging period between SARDP II and SARDP III which was in January-June 2004.
SARDP was designed to support the communities at woreda level. By relying on a participatory approach and refining the roles of woredas and bureaus in the region, along the lines of decentralisation and promotion of grass roots based sustainable development. The decentralisation and promotion of grass roots were reflected in the allocation of the program budget. Most of the program budget was allocated directly to the woredas.
The program components were designed to achieve the objectives are agriculture and natural resources management, infrastructure and social service, economic diversification and good governance. The program promoted the principles of poverty focus, gender equality, HIV/AIDS control, environmental care, decentralisation and good governance, consideration of geographical differentiation, sustainability and participation.
The overreaching goal of SARDP was to contribute to the poverty reduction of the Amhara Region by improving the food security conditions of the rural population in woredas in East Gojam and South Wollo Zones.
The program purpose was to
- increase agricultural production and productivity,
- improve marketing of agricultural products and management of natural recourses
- increase household incomes and diversify income generating opportunities
- improve infrastructure and delivery of social services
- enhance decision making capacity of the rural communities and strengthen local institutions
- improve the overall effectiveness of program management, monitoring and evaluation and financial management.
Cross-cutting issues such as, environment, gender and HIV/AIDS were mainstreamed throughout the major four components.