System Development for ELTAP Ethiopia – Strengthening Land Tenure & Administration Programme
The Amhara Region Environmental Protection, Land Administration and Land Use Authority (EPLAUA) has in connection with the Sida-funded SARDP (Sida – Amhara Rural Development Programme) developed a computerized land registration system, the Information System for Land Administration (ISLA) for use in pilot woredas. The system is installed in three woredas and at EPLAUA headquarters in Bahr Dar. ISLA offers a possible platform for development into a land information system to be used by all regions and the federal government. ELTAP is interested in this development and desired to test it in the ELTAP regions and woredas. The system is at present a stand-alone woreda application. It can however be up-graded to handle land related information at the regional level.
The assignment was to review whether ISLA could be used in the ELTAP implementation and support their requirements.