Swedish Public Employment Service, Arbetsförmedlingen, ITP programme “The Role of Labour Market Policy in Poverty Alleviation” x 5 – support with a course administration, project tool and mentorship
The Swedish Public Employment Service organised International Training Programme (ITP) financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency called "The Role of Labour Market Policy in Poverty Alleviation, to strengthen employment agencies in participating countries (Botswana, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, South Africa, Cambodia and Vietnam). In a four week scheduled programme in Sweden, participants were introduced to key features of Swedish labour policies and programmes aimed at supporting the job market. Tailer made study visits were made to key actors in public and private sector. Course contents included:
- Labour market policy’s role in reducing poverty
- Role of social dialogue in the labour market, role of employers and trade unions
- Services to employers and job seekers
- Service channels: call centres, web-site, local offices
- Labour market analysis and forecast
- Private-public partnerships in employment services
- Active labour market programmes
- Education systems and skills development
- Performance management and its preconditions
- Gender equality in the labour market, especially from a youth perspective
- Vocational guidance
- Project cycle management, with emphasis on results-based management
- Networking
Participants were also encouraged to share, compare and discuss their own respective systems. All participants had a “real life” project proposal on arrival in Sweden. The programme included practical training in project design and management, focusing on each participant's proposal and carried out in groups. Each group of participants had a mentor.
Six months later there was a scheduled course, followed by a one week follow-up workshop in one of the participating countries. During the six month interval between structured sessions, and for six months after the regional workshop, participants were supported by mentors in finalising their project proposals and implementing their projects. 2009-2011 participants came from Botswana, Namibia, Kenya and South Africa. In 2013-2014 participants came from Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. The regional follow-up workshops were held in Mocambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Cambodia. Review of the participant´s change projects regarding the implementation in groups.
In connection with this assignment Arbetsförmedlingen, The Swedish Public Employment Service, arranged an extra workshop in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, 2015 in order to evaluate this serie of programmes and also see what kind requirement the participants would have on a new ITP-programme.