References | Africa, south of Sahara
Support to the African Union Advisory Board On Corruption
The African Union Advisory Board on Corruption was established in 2009 and a Secretariat has been established to provide support to the Board Members. In the 2011-2015 Strategic Plan of The African Union Advisory Board on Corruption four key areas are expressed:
- Support to the implementation of the AU Convention against Corruption
- Awareness raising on the Convention and Visibility of the Board
- Building partnerships with stakeholders for an improved coordination and efficiency of anti-corruption initiatives
- Organizational efficiency of the Board on Monitoring & Evaluation following the results and impacts of the fight against corruption on the Continent.
In this assignment, SIPU supported the African Union Board on Corruption and its Secretariat to develop a program support based on the 2011-2015 Strategic Plan and based on the request for financial support for program activities. The assignment involved suggestions on how to prioritize and sequence the activities and plan for a realistic implementation of the strategy.