References | Asia & Pacific

Strengthening Coastal and Marine Resources Management in the Coral Triangle of the Pacific – Phase II (TA 7753-REG)

Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, East Timor

Environment and Climate Change, Natural Resource Management, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

The regional policy and advisory technical assistance (TA) aimed to strengthen the management of coastal and marine resources in the Pacific Coral Triangle. It assisted Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste in fulfilling their Coral Triangle Initiative objectives, as well as engaged Fiji and Vanuatu in such activities. The technical assistance helped to ensure food security for the population in the Pacific Coral Triangle countries, resulting from the increased resilience of coastal and marine ecosystems.  The TA is structured around four outputs:

1) Capabilities of government institutions in sustainable coastal and marine resources management strengthened,

2) Coastal communities experienced in applying ecosystem based management and climate change adaptation practices

3) Resilience of coastal ecosystems to climate change enhanced

4) Effective program management established by ADB and the participating governments.

The TA aimed to accomplish these outputs though implementation of community initiatives, and related capacity building and institutional strengthening activities.

The TA deliverables may be grouped into developing an enabling policy and regulatory framework, capacity of governance, management, and implementation structures. These deliverables were achieved through a set of small-scale subprojects and associated TA activities. During the TA implementation phase, 15 key subprojects were designed and implemented:

1) Regional, Mapping Coastal and Marine Habitats

2) Regional, Training on Ecosystem Approach for Fisheries Management

3) Timor Leste, Raising Awareness for Environmental and Biodiversity Policy

4) Timor Leste, Management of Marine Protected Areas in Atauro and Batugade

5) Papua New Guinea, Women Engagement in Local Marine Area Management

6) Papua New Guinea, Strengthening Capacity for Ecosystem Based Resource Management

7) Solomon Islands, Integrated Coastal Management in Malaita Province

8) Solomon Islands, Ridge to Reef Integrated Coastal Management in Isabel Province

9) Solomon Islands, Integrated Solid Waste Management in Isabel Province

10) Vanuatu, Community Based Crown of Thorns Outbreak Management

11) Vanuatu, Management Planning for Vunausi River Estuary and Coastal Area

12) Vanuatu, Development of Environmental and Climate Change Trust Fund

13) Vanuatu, Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Resources Management

14) Fiji, Integrated Coastal Management Planning in Ra Province

15) Fiji, Mangrove Rehabilitation in Ra Province

In addition, the TA implemented a set of associated workshops, seminars, and trainings, as well as policy and institutional improvement activities.