Sida Helpdesk Democracy and human rights
The Sida Helpdesk in Democracy and Human Rights was designed to assist Sida and Swedish Missions Abroad with rapid, on-demand support in a range of areas under the broad category of democracy and human rights. The subject areas included:
- Local Democracy and Decentralisation.
- Political Institutions, Political Participation, and a Pluralist Civil Society.
- State-building and Public Institutions and Administration.
- Public Financial Management.
- Human Rights Systems, Human Rights Defenders, and Rule of Law.
- Equal Rights and Non-Discrimination.
- Freedom of Expression and Access to Information Online and Offline.
- Human Rights Based Approach.
It was envisaged that the helpdesk would be most useful for formulating, implementing, monitoring/following up, reviewing, and reporting on country, regional, global, and thematic strategies or on strategy portfolios or specific projects and programs.
Tasks were carried out as desk studies or as field assignments, depending on the requested service. Types of support which were provided through the Helpdesk included, but were not limited to, the following:
- Reports of various types (stakeholder mappings, portfolio reviews, summaries of results, etc.) were written.
- Experts participated as speakers in seminars, workshops, discussions, etc.
- Seminars, workshops, discussions, were facilitated.
- Experts participated in short-term missions.
- Written or oral comments were provided on appraisals, assessments, reviews, analyses, etc.
- Advice, training, or guidance was given to Sida and the Swedish Missions Abroad in the sub-areas covered by this assignment.
- Methodological guidance, including adaptive and flexible ways of working, was developed.
Support and advice were provided to Sida's cooperation partners on how to integrate and strengthen aspects of democratic governance and human rights in programs and projects.