References | Africa, south of Sahara

Securing the Sustainability of Land Management Programme Initiatives


Local Government and Decentralisation, Natural Resource Management, Forestry, Agriculture, Natural Resource Management, Good Governance and Public Administration

Start date

End date

The Land Management Programme (LAMP) was implemented in several phases over a 16 year period in 4 districts of Tanzania until 2007. LAMP was fully integrated into the normal local government development processes and districts were responsible for planning, implementing and reporting activities funded directly by Sida. By the end of 2007 all previous LAMP supported activities operated without direct funding from Sida. LAMP initially focused on natural resource management, with an emphasis on participatory forest management and community based forestry, to conserve an ever decreasing forest cover. LAMP then concentrated on land management to find ways of utilizing land and water resources in a sustainable manner. Methods in conservation farming and dry land agriculture were explored and disseminated, while support to water supply schemes and rainwater harvesting focused on improving the quality of life and increasing agricultural output. Comprehensive land rights and village land ownership campaigns introduced good governance and democratic participation in the management of natural resources. During the latter half of the programme focus was on improving overall district public service delivery and promoting business development and micro finance.

The “Securing the Sustainability of LAMP Initiatives” Project was a 2 ½ -year post-programme phase of LAMP. The project aimed at consolidating outcomes achieved in local empowerment, democratic processes, accountability and governance. Methods to be used included structured results capture, documentation and dissemination.

The Project worked within two main areas:

  1. Following up and monitoring realities in the field concerning LAMP initiated activities as well as the decentralisation and Local Government Reform process currently underway; and
  2. Strengthening and revitalizing user groups within natural resource management.

In particular, focus was on Forest Management (in the Suledo Forest), Wildlife Management (the Burunge Wildlife Management Area) and Water User Associations.