Second Opinion on the Hale Hydro Power Plant Feasibility Study
Sida through the Swedish Embassy in Tanzania has received a request from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs (MoFEA) to provide funding for the rehabilitation of the Hale Hydro Power Plant (HPP) at the Pangani River, Tanga Region.
The Pangani River makes an important contribution to Tanzania’s electricity supply. A major concern is the steady decrease of inflow of water into the Nyumba ya Mungu Reservoir located in the upper part of the Pangani River Basin, while there are increasing demands for water for domestic, agricultural and industrial use, which has and will have an impact on the performance of hydro-power production. The availability of water in the river for production of electricity is fundamental for the assessment of the feasibility and scope of the rehabilitation of the Hale HPP.
In September 2009, Sida decided to carry out an in-depth assessment of the proposed intervention. The purpose of this assignment was to provide a second opinion to the 2009 Feasibility Study in the context of required water resources and their sustainable availability for power production at the Hale HPP.