References | Africa, south of Sahara

Rural Water Sub-sector Review 2007


Monitoring and Evaluation, Water Sector Services, Environment and Climate Change, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

The overall objective of the consultancy, carried out within the framework of the ‘Kenya Water and Sanitation Programme’, was to assist the RWSS sub-sector review team to:

  1. Review performance of the sector institutions and the impact (target groups, environment, etc.) in the sub-sector.
  2. Review specific targets and outputs as agreed upon in annual Work Plan of the on-going programs in the sub-sector.
  3. Assess policy guidance (ownership), budget allocations and realization of sector principles in the implementation of sector policy and strategies.
  4. Identify key sector and sub-sector developmental challenges and make recommendations on the way forward.
  5. Identify and assess progress and challenges in the sub-sector linked to donor harmonization.
  6. Assess both long and short term TA requirement in the sub-sector in future and give recommendations.