References | Europe
Review of gender equality support in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans 2001 – 2012
Promoting gender equality and women's role in development co-operation is one of three thematic priorities for Swedish development co-operation. The Swedish policy for gender equality in development cooperation “On Equal Terms – Policy for the Promotion of Equality Work, 2010-2015” further specify the most important priorities for Sida within the area of gender equality:
- women’s political participation and influence,
- women’s economic empowerment and working conditions,
- sexual and reproductive health and rights,
- women`s security, including all forms of gender based violence and human trafficking.
The overall objective of the assignment was to gain knowledge from lessons learned and results achieved in the Swedish support to gender equality in Eastern Europe and Western Balkans, and Russia during the period 2001-2012. The specific objectives of the assignment were to:
- Provide input to the forthcoming drafting of the Strategies for Eastern Europe and for Western Balkans and serve as a guide with recommendations for implementation of gender equality.
- A mapping of ed projects/programmes supported by Sweden in the countries included in the desk study and covered during field visits.
- Identify the most effective and cost effective contributions , and get a country specific on what works and what does not work with conclusions on the most efficient entry points for gender equality and gender mainstreaming in the region, including modalities, cooperation partners, focus areas as well as entry points for closer cooperation and synergy effects with the EU.
- Identify the five key issues for success and the five key challenges for promoting gender equality in the region, at country level as well as at projects/programmes.