Public Administration Reform
SIPU was awarded a significant Sida contract to carry out a comprehensive Programme in support of the Public Administration Reform in Ukraine. The fields of activities were:
1. Systems for efficiency review of state authorities, resulting in:
– More than 100 staff members were trained to carry out efficiency studies and performance audits. An even greater number has had theoretical training in performance auditing but without practical experience from all the stages. The project supported the first ever three performance audits in Ukraine.
– Several hundreds of public officials in central and regional institutions in Kiev, Lviv and Kherson have attended introductory lectures or had basic training in results-based management and modern governance.
– The first educational course in policy evaluation has been developed, with trainers, to be introduced nationwide.
– Training and educational materials, in total around 2800 copies of different publications, have been produced in the Ukrainian language and distributed both centrally and regionally in Ukraine.
2. Development of regional authority structures:
– The purpose with this component was to clarify the overall functions and the relations between central and regional levels of state government.
– SIPU experts contributed to the drafting of the new law on regional policy and provided advice on concrete issues related to the practical work and functioning of regional and local administrations. Two comprehensive study tours of Ukrainian experts and politicians were carried out.
3. Public awareness of the reform programme, resulting in:
– Well-prepared public discussions between citizens and authorities have helped solve concrete problems. Representatives of different circles of society, such as entrepreneurs, civil servants and researchers have been engaged in a consultation process for a draft law, which was a new phenomenon in Ukraine. This has increased transparency and raised the quality of the work performed by the state bodies.