References | Central, Caribbean and South America

Provision of Technical Assistance to Land Titling and Land Registration Programme in St Vincent and the Grenadines

St. Vincent/Grenadine

Land Administration, Environment and Climate Change, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

ORGUT, in cooperation with University of the West of England, Bristol, is providing technical support and assistance to the Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines (GOSV&G) aimed at fostering an efficient land administration system through tackling both the:
1. Policy level/regulatory environment barriers and
2. Ability of the institutions to provide efficient land administration services.

Many land administration systems within the Caribbean face difficulties due to lack of clarity in records, difficulties of title, exploitation of state lands, incomplete or ongoing land reform programmes, and irregular or illegal settlement and non-enforced planning regulations. This project aim at creating effective land policies and the establishment of efficient land administration procedures. In addition it aims at completing any outstanding reform, and fostering the development of safe and secure land and property markets. This will enhance economic growth, social equality and promote environmental sustainability.

The specific objectives of the programme are to
a) develop efficient and effective electronic-based land administration and land management systems in support of the modernization and commercialization of the rural sector, and to
b) develop and implement policies which will enhance the land administration and land management system and ensure growth, equity and environmental sustainability in support of the modernization and commercialization of the rural sector.

The international and national technical advisors initially produce consultation reports on meetings on land policies submitted, assessment reports on existing land policies including legislation submitted, and a prioritised, costed, time-bound programme/plan for upgrading the Land Administration and Management systems prepared for Government’s approval. The consultants then provide recommendations on improving the present Land Administration and Management systems (following consultation with stakeholders) presented to the GOSV&G, provide recommendations on changes to existing policies including legislation submitted, and draft detailed policies and bills prepared for submission to Cabinet/Parliament.