Participation in pre-appraisal mission for Programme 135 Phase II
Together with a consultant from SPM, take part in pre-appraisal meetings regarding join donor support for a second phase of Programme 135 and report to Sida. The purpose of Sida joining the joint pre-appraisal follow-up mission through a consultancy assignment was twofold: to contribute to the joint pre-appraisal follow-up mission and to provide recommendations to Sida as regards its continued support to the planning process, especially focusing on the following duties; provide advice on the analytical founding for proposed budget support to the P 135-II, both in view of experiences from other countries and in perspective of the conditions existing in Vietnam for such support. Swedish Guidelines on budget support shall also be adhered to; assess the relevance of the implementation guide-lines for the proposed components of the P135-II in relation to GOV’s policy framework for poverty reduction, promotion of public administrative reform, grass-roots democracy, etc; assess the appropriateness of the proposed design of a parallel technical assistance component for the programme, and in this respect provide recommendation on how donors interested in capacity building best could organize such a support mechanism; assess the adequacy of the proposed funding for the programme, including its planned phasing in over the life span of P135-II; comment on the proposed documents for joint donor support to P 135-II, including the draft Code of Conduct for the partnership; assess the risks that the objectives of the P135-II will not be reached and advice Sida on alternative measures and strategies to manage the risks.