Organisational review of Norwegian People’s Aid
This review covers the cooperation agreement between Norad and Norwegian People's Aid (NPA). This review will serve as an important control and quality assurance function and should enable Norad to take informed decisions on support and identify important dialogue and follow-up issues. The review shall provide recommendations to ensure better planning and follow-up by Norad and by the grant recipients.The review will describe, analyse and assess the following aspects of the organisation under review: 1) Results management and results achieved; 2) Contribution to strengthen civil society; 3) Cross-cutting issues; 4) Partnerships; 5) Sustainability. The review will include a desk study of NPA's partners in Myanmar and a field visit to review NPA's partners in Mozambique.
FCG Sweden is the first service provider in the Framework Agreement for organisational reviews of CSOs. FCG Sweden carry out the review in line with the methodology developed by FCG Sweden. This methodology is rooted in the Abilities Framework, which offers a holistic and multidimensional perspective and is based on the notion that an organisation needs four “abilities” (the ability to be, ability to organise, ability to relate and ability to do) to operate effectively and achieve its goals.