Midterm Review and Formulation of a Second Phase of the Programme for Luapula Agricultural and Rural Development Programme (PLARD)
PLARD was a new phase in the Finnish-Zambian cooperation in the agricultural sector in Luapula Province in Zambia. The overall objective of the programme was to contribute to the development of an efficient, competitive and sustainable agricultural and rural sector, which ensures increased income and food security for the people of the Luapula Province. PLARD consisted of four components:
- Fisheries Component: Improved and sustainable income and food security through fisheries development
- Agriculture Component: Improved and sustainable income and food security through agriculture development
- Agribusiness Component: Improved and sustainable income and food security through agribusiness development
- Institutions and Policy Component: Contribution to supportive policy, regulatory and institutional environment.
Stakeholders of PLARD included farmers; fishers; traders and marketers; entrepreneurs and private sector enterprises; traditional leaders; local government; provincial authorities; government departments; and other service providers and development facilitation organisations. The target group of PLARD includes fishing communities and ‘progressive’ and ‘intermediate’ viable producers and entrepreneurs.
ORGUT was contracted by MFA for a two-phase assignment. The first part of the assignment consisted of a mid-term review (MTR) of the Programme. This was an independent evaluation of the programme with the view of guiding both the current programme implementation and the design of a new phase. The second part consisted of formulation of a second phase of the programme for 2010-2014. In the formulation phase, the consultant worked together with a technical committee assigned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MACO).
The purpose of the MTR was to learn lessons from the programme design and implementation and to enable the community level stakeholders and target group members, competent authorities of the Government of Finland and the Government of the Republic of Zambia to assess:
- Whether the chosen approaches and strategies of PLARD are sound and sustainable.
- Whether the chosen approaches and strategies are being implemented according to the PD.
- Whether the resources made available to PLARD are being used in an appropriate and efficient way.
- Whether resources have been used effectively i.e. for the purposes intended.
- Whether institutional capacities have been built.
- Wether actions taken by the project have increased or are likely to increase rural incomes and improve food security.