Mid Term Review of the Knowledge Node for Sustainable Sanitation in Bolivia
The three year project "Knowledge Node for Sustainable Sanitation in Bolivia" (2012-2015) is funded by the Embassy of Sweden, Bolivia and totals 17M SEK. The overall objectives are to generate knowledge, exchange experiences and support the implementation of sustainable sanitation models and to influence public policies and increase access to sanitation services. The project has three main components:
- Strengthen knowledge generation and dissemination related to decentralised sustainable sanitation,
- Implement and systematise sustainable sanitation models, and
- Influence public policies.
The project is coordinated by the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) with three main well-established NGO partners who develop and implement models for decentralised sustainable sanitation. The goal of this MTR was to present findings and recommendations of the Swedish support to the creation of a knowledge node on decentralized sustainable sanitation in Bolivia (NSSD Bolivia).