Mid Term Review of the Institutional Capacity Programme between NVE and MoWE and Technical Support programme of ENTRO, Ethiopia
The current institutional cooperation between the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) and the Ethiopian Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE) has an overall goal of making the MoWE capable of fulfilling its role in the sustainable development of Ethiopia’s water resources. The immediate objective is to ensure successful implementation of the feasibility studies of the Mandaya and Beko-Abo Multipurpose Projects and also to continue the work within hydrological services. After the Government of Ethiopia’s decision on building the Grand Renaissance Dam (GRD), the feasibility studies have been halted. The Ethiopian Government will provide a report that assesses the impact of the GRD and a proposal on the way forward of the FS. Decision whether to continue with the FS will be reached by the parties based on this report. Norway will support elements of the institutional cooperation agreement as agreed upon in the annual meeting in April 2011.
The goal of the Technical assistance to ENTRO is to ensure linkage and synergy between the Feasibility Studies of Mandaya and Beko-Abo and the Joint Multipurpose Program 1 Identification (JMP1 ID) for consensus in regional cooperation among the three Eastern Nile countries, through Facilitation of Regional Consultation and Information Sharing.
The purpose of the mid-term reviews is to assess the overall progress of both the programmes and assess the extent to which the programmes are achieving their objectives. Furthermore the reviews should make recommendations regarding steps to be taken that would enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the programmes. The organizational set-up and the contributions of the various partners in the programmes should also be considered, and relevant recommendations provided for possible improvements to the organizational setups.