Mapping Study on Trade and Food Security, Africa
1. Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study was to provide the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) with an analytical foundation for how to support policies, programmes and actions at the regional/continental level for promoting trade and food security initiatives in Africa. It aimed at identifying initiatives or projects where Swedish regional funding could contribute to improved food security within the area of trade and regional economic integration.
2. Scope of the study
As mentioned above the Regional Africa Development Cooperation Strategy specifically mentions “trade and food security” as a possible area for Swedish support. Since this was a new area in the strategy there was a need to understand the issues at hand, as well as policies, programmes that Sweden could support, and donors with whom it would be possible to collaborate.
The study focused on regions with severe or recurring food insecurity problems.
The study:
· Provided a brief background and analysis on trade and food security in Africa.
· Described continental (AU, AfDB, AfCFTA, etc.) and regional (RECs etc.) policies, programmes and actions on trade and food security.
· Identified those that could be suitable for future Swedish regional support,
· Identified key actors and stakeholders in trade and food security at the African continental and regional levels,
· Identified key donors in trade-related food-security in Africa and possibilities for co-funding,
· Provided recommendations on future Swedish regional support to trade and food security.