Land related investments in Africa as part of Sida’s B4D programme
ORGUT was contracted for this assignment as part of Sida’s Business for Development, B4D, Programme. The Programme includes a component for land related investments in developing countries with a focus on contributing to that poor people benefits from these kinds of investments. The support aims at making investments in land not only more productive but also more socially and environmentally sustainable while creating increased benefits for the poor. By cooperating with the private sector, the idea is that invested aid funds and private capital are used efficiently resulting in a positive development effect for the country, the environment and the poor. The focus is on Africa in general and on Sida's long term development cooperation countries in particular.
ORGUT’s assignment was to carry out a desk study which summaries current knowledge about land investments as well as a study that provides an overview of Swedish and Scandinavian investors and actors involved in land investments in Africa. As Sida aim to take part in land related investment initiatives, the aim was to first learn more about the specific ongoing investments and the present knowledge of land related investments in developing countries. ORGUT also outlined a draft guideline for Sida on how support best can be channelled to improve and increase the benefits arising from land related investments.