References | Africa, south of Sahara

Integration and Development of Cadastral Field Survey Data with the ISLA Property Register System


Land Administration, Environment and Climate Change, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

Cadastral surveying with modern instruments – Leica total stations and Leica high precision GPS – was introduced at Environmental Protection Land Administration and Use Authority (EPLAUA) in 2002. Two pilot areas have been surveyed; the Kebeles/villages of Addis Ena Gulit and Gerado Endodeber. In addition, parts of seven other Kebeles have been surveyed within the Koga irrigation project and other small areas. In the northern part of the Amhara Region, investment areas (bigger areas/parcels) have been surveyed with handheld GPS (Magellan Meridian).

Description of the first assignment:
The data is downloaded and processed with the Topocad software (version 7.0) produced by Chaos in Sweden. For print out of individual parcel maps as well as maps covering the whole Kebele, ArcView has been used. AutoCad is also used for handling map data. These maps however do not correspond to the needs of the property holders nor EPLAUA’s demand on a smooth cadastral surveying and registration processing. The collected survey data is stored in survey files. This is not viable in the long run and another system must be introduced. To solve the current problems and gain experience we recommended use the map sheet function in Topocad for storage of data. To manage this data a systematic and uniform system of coding of data was introduced. The data consists of cadastral as well as topographical information. The data is used for producing individual parcel maps, cadastral register maps over the Kebele and as base data for physical planning. The assignment aimed creating a smooth survey production chain, including planning of the survey from the field work to the production of maps, storage and updating of data and dissemination to other users.

Description of the second assignment:
The purpose of the assignment is firstly integrate the data from the first registration entered into the ISLA system with the data captured by the second certification field survey and to streamline the data capture process. Another purpose is to conduct necessary training and compile documents needed for administration, implementation and development of the survey production system.
Some surveys are done with handheld GPS equipment and evaluation is necessary to see if it can be used. This can be done e g by comparing it to satellite imagery (1 meter resolution). The data is downloaded and processed with the customized software KebeleCalc and compiled in Topocad 9.0 produced by Chaos Systems in Sweden. For printout of individual parcel maps as well as maps covering the whole Kebele, ArcView has been used, but Topocad shall be used henceforth. The first registration is supposed to be followed by a second registration with a cadastral survey. The first registration information is gathered manually. However, data transfer is ongoing into the register computer system of ISLA, an SQL database customized software. When carrying out the second registration the survey and ISLA information must be consistent and updated. Eventually the ISLA information shall be able to be displayed by using the digital registry map. The interaction (georeference) between these datasets is done with the unique possession number and the central coordinate of each parcel. After compilation and error searches, the survey data is stored using the mapsheet function in Topocad implying that all survey files within one Kebele are merged. The data consist of cadastral as well as some basic topographical information. Normally, the data will be used for producing individual parcel maps, cadastral register maps over the Kebele and as base data for physical and property planning. Recently, a cadastral survey manual has been produced by the consultant (see the report from the project “Land surveying – production chain”) to describe the surveying processes within EPLAUA. The methods used in this project originate from this manual, where appendices have been added to describe additional methods needed in the Koga project.