Independent Review by a Technical Specialist of the CESAR Project – GNSS Permanent Stations and Radio Systems
The objective of World Bank funded Complementing EU Support for Agricultural Restructuring (CESAR) Project is to facilitate market-based farm restructuring through enhancing the ability of farmers, farm family members, and farm workers to manage their assets and income. Under this overarching objective, the Project assists the Government of Romania in completing the property title registration of land assets in rural areas and improving the delivery of socio-economic guidance services to the agricultural population. Part of the project funds, under Component 1 “Land Administration”, are applied for procurement of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) permanent stations and radio systems that will extent the national GNSS network of Romania.
The purpose of the Consultancy was to check if the submitted bids related to the procurement of GNSS Permanent Stations were in strict accordance with all the requirements and specifications given in the bidding documents.