In-depth review of Capacity Building for Sustainability Programme for Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA)
The main purpose of the review was to determine to what extent the objectives of the ‘Capacity Building for Sustainability Programme for Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture’ have been achieved and if Sida’s contributions have been used efficiently and effectively. The review therefore assessed objectives and their achievement not only for the last but also for previous programme phases. In assessing objectives, the review also retrospectively analysed the relevance and realism of set objectives.
The assignment also provided advice on whether further support for a one year period beyond June 2008 is warranted and if so in what form, given that it will be a phase out support. The review also made recommendations in respect of important activities that should be included in a limited extension phase. The design of possible further support was to take into consideration, firstly that Sida will phase out and that this should be in a managed way with the view that TCCIA basically will be financially self sustainable, secondly that the role of TCCIA in respect of supporting its members in trade development activities can be elaborated and if the extended support can be designed to contribute to such efforts.
The review was written by adopting a medium/long perspective and included recommendations for the period beyond any Swedish engagement, i.e. after June 2009, which would be deemed useful for TCCIA’s future development.