Implementation Phase of the Co-operation in the Biodiversity Regional Program in CAN Member countries Andean-Amazon Regions
BioCAN programme was funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and it aimed to strengthen the existing regional experiences and promote models for sustainable management of the Amazonian biodiversity. The programme focused on the following institutional needs: governance, research, information and biodiversity management, and climate change mitigation/adaptation.
The general objective of the Programme was to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the populations within the member countries of the Andean Community in their Tropical Amazon Regions. The programme purpose was to implement the priority actions of the Regional Strategy of Biodiversity for the Tropical Andean Countries (RBS-CAN) promoting conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity at national levels and to incorporate topics related to biodiversity to project management and to the applications of national, regional and international policies.
The project purpose was achieved through the implementation of the following components:
1. Strengthening of regional, national and local capacities in the management of biological diversity and the creation of new opportunities for biodiversity preservation and sustainable use.
2. Development of decentralised network for information dissemination for Andean Amazon and integration of the network as a strategic facilitator for the process of decision-making to preserve and use biodiversity in a sustainable manner.
3. Support and promotion of the Application of Economic Ecological Zoning (ZEE) and territorial land use planning based on ecosystem approach principles in Andean Amazon region.
4. Support for sustainable biodiversity projects with local, national and regional impact.