References | Africa, south of Sahara
Implementation of REILA – Responsible and Innovative Land Administration in Ethiopia
The overall development objective was improved livelihood and economic well-being of the rural population through promotion of sustainable land management practices. REILA will enhance land administration by supporting:
- Public information and participation. Using federal level experiences, this component assisted the indigenous groups in the Benishangul-Gumuz region to be informed and participate in land adjudication, registration and certification of holding rights through an innovative outreach programme resulting in the planned introduction of land administration to this region.
- Capacity building and harmonization. This was based in Addis Ababa and involved capacity building of the Ministry of Agricullture’s Directorate of Land Administration & Use, and the Ethiopian Mapping Agency, building up technical, managerial and professional capability and supporting large scale orthophoto and geodetic campaigns to support national large scale mapping programmes.
- Developing basic land administration in Benishangul-Gumuz. The project carried out systematic first registration of land holdings for an estimated 100,000 parcels and establish a network of regional and kebele level land administration offices. This was in an area of agro-pastoralists where much of the land was held as communal land.
- Land administration in the Tana-Beles Growth Corridor. This addressed improved processes and increased capacity for responsible land allocation for investments in the Tana-Beles Growth Corridor and completion of 2nd level registration for an estimated 140,000 parcels.