Good Governance in a Democratic Mongolia
The overall objective of this project was to strengthen governance in Mongolia. The specific objective was to develop and implement a Leadership and Management Training Programme in Ulaanbaatar and two regions of Mongolia.
Main Results:
- Pilot study tour to Sweden with 15 High executives from Mongolia
- Pilot leadership training program developed and implemented
- Training of 25 Mongolian leadership trainers in a 18 day seminar process
- Training of approximately 400 general managers in leadership training programme
- Leadership textbook of 13 chapters developed, layout, translated and printed in 3000 copies
- Learning Organisation field book of 17 chapter developed, layout, translated and printed in 500 copies
Specific objective: Organisational Development Consultancy support within three pilot Ministries towards a Learning Organisation
- OD process in three ministries – Justice, Industry & Trade, and Social welfare & labour
- OD conference organised
Specific objective: Establishment of a Public Administration Development Centre (PADC)
Results: Research study carried out and report on establishing PADC issued
Specific objective: Establishment of a network against corruption and mismanagement
- Study tour of key Mongolian stakeholders to Sweden and Estonia
- Several workshops implemented with the participation of parliamentary ombudsman of Sweden
Specific objective: Plan of action for Women and leadership
Results: Women and Leadership was dealt with in a separate part of the training. Within the Gender component several activities were implemented, i.a. gender perspective mainstreamed into training for leadership, seminars on gender equality for key NGOs, focal points of the ministries, awareness-raising seminar for stereotypes of women and men for mass-media. Gender analysis was carried out on the Mid-term strategy of Civil Service Reform and first draft of the Plan of Action, suggestions for measures to mainstream and improve the Plan of Action developed.