References | Asia & Pacific

Gender Data Project Proposal Preparation


Good Governance and Public Administration, Public Administration Reform, Gender Equality, Monitoring and Evaluation

Start date

End date

Objective and Purpose of the Assignment

The objective of the assignment was to assist the ADB and the Lao Statistics Bureau in preparing a TA project proposal of an acceptable quality for the ADB and DFAT. This is a Gender Equity Theme project (GEN), and is part of the larger regional knowledge and support technical assistance (TA), TA 9660: Promoting Transformative Gender Equality Agenda in Asia and the Pacific.

Scope of Work

The role of the Gender Data resource person was to assist the Asian Development Bank (ADB) through its Lao Resident Mission (LRM) to (i) convert the existing simplified project paper into a detailed draft proposal for assistance in partnership with Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through the Mekong-Australia Partnership (MAP); and (ii) draft an ADB technical assistance (TA) change in scope paper, including detailed project outputs, theory of change/project design and monitoring framework, detailed cost estimates and the implementation arrangements.  The outcome of the 2-year TA proposal is the enhanced capacity of staff and decision-makers’ at the Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB), other relevant agencies, and the ADB-financed project management teams in line ministries on gender statistics and sex-disaggregated data collection and analysis for policy recommendations ('Gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) is mainstreamed into data collection, analysis and policy development in Lao PDR'). The outputs include: 

1.    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reporting strengthened (including a Gender Thematic Chapter for Lao PDR’s 2023 Voluntary National Review Report of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), covering gender data and analysis across all 18 SDGs beyond SDG 5).

2. GEDSI methodologies for use in upcoming key statistical reports developed (including gender data collection and analysis methodologies to be developed and applied to LSB’s upcoming key statistics reports, e.g., Lao Expenditure and Consumption Survey (LECS) and National Housing Census 2025.)

3.  GEDSI understanding and capacity in LSB and relevant data-collection bodies mainstreamed (including training and learning tools (e.g., online gender manuals) provided to LSB staff on sex-disaggregated data collection and gender analysis, extended also to key ministries, Lao Women’s Union (LWU), the National Commission on Women, Mothers, and Children (NCAWMC), Lao Front Union and Lao Disabled Women’s Development Center (LDWDC). ADB-financed projects’ team members in line ministries at the central and local levels will be among those trained).