References | Central, Caribbean and South America
Feasibility Study and Final Formulation of a Watershed Management and Climate Change Project
This assignment consisted of a feasibility study and formulation of a project proposal on Watershed Management and Climate Change (WM&CC). The main objective of the five years project was to increase the socio-economical conditions of the population in the project area (aprox. 40,000 km2) through capacity building on better land use practices aiming at mitigation of and adaptation to the effects of climate change with special focus on vulnerable ecosystems.
The main components of the project were:
- Reduction of vulnerability and future risks in the target groups in the area, small and medium size rural producers and local population.
- Institutional and managerial strengthening, at local level, in watershed management and climate change associated actions.
- Studies and assessments on future riks related to climate changes and development of strategic approach to adaptation actions.