Feasibility Studies for Providing the Water and Environmental Sanitation Services through the Health Sector
The Water Sector Reform Process in Kenya received substantial support over the last four years through the Kenya Water and Sanitation Programme (KWSP). KWSP support had three partners; Government of Kenya (GoK), Sida and Danida. KWSP started in January 2005 for a five year period, ending 31st December 2009 with a total budget of Ksh. 4,571 million. The three main components of the KWSP were:
– Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWSS),
– Water Resources Management (WRM) including Flood and Drought Mitigation (FDM)
– Water Sector Reforms (WSR).
The Feasibility Studies were undertaken to support the integration of water, sanitation and environmental health activities into the framework and guidelines of the Health Sector Support Fund.
This was a new activity, and the purpose of the feasibility studies was to:
– utilize the experiences and lessons learnt in the KWSP
– support the modification of tools and mechanisms developed, and
– assess the potential effectiveness and economic efficiency of proposed actions
The TOR stipulate three categories of activities to be funded through the HSSF , as follows:
A) Water supply and sanitation
B) Urban environmental sanitation
C) Climate change