FADER – Framework Agreement for Decentralized Evaluations and Reviews
The Framework Agreement for Decentralized Evaluations and Reviews (FADER) covers different types of appraisals, evaluations and reviews of development cooperation projects and programmes funded by the MFA. Decentralized evaluations are carried out during different stages of the programme cycle. The Framework Agreement can cover any evaluation, appraisal or review of regional, thematic or country specific development cooperation programme or project.
The main users of the FADER are the regional departments of the MFA, which have regional and country specific development cooperation programmes/projects (bilateral development cooperation) in Africa and the Middle East, in Asia and in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Also the other units and departments of MFA can use this Framework Agreement. Country Programmes or Regional Programmes provide an example of the main content of the development cooperation of the regional departments, but the use of Framework Agreement is not restricted to them. However, the Country/Regional Programmes and Regional Strategies identify the main areas of cooperation, forms and objectives of support, and result indicators.