Expansion of Water Related Activities
The purpose of FONDEAGRO is to increase agricultural productivity in two regions in Central Nicaragua: Matagalpa y Jinotega.. The major components of the programme are Agricultural Diversification, Household Economy Improvement, Rural Credits, Agricultural extension, Land tenure and land registration and Institution building for MOA, local authorities and organisations. ento institucional del MAGFOR (delegaciones regionales), Alcaldías y organizaciones locales.
The aim of FONDEAGRO is to alleviate poverty in the rural areas through improved productivity and income. The immediate benficiaries are small- and mediumscale farmers, that represent the development poptential of the region, through on-farm improvements. The aim is a sustainable development leading an increase in income levels, through a planned, integrated development that covers economical, environmental as well as social aspects. Other important beneficiaries are land owners , who have no access to credits, that are promoted to develop thir homestead economy through productive activities, improved nutrition, and commercialisation of their products.
ORGUT is responsible for the implementation and coordination of the programme through Technical Assistance personnel, management of the credit system as of 2 million Euro and 3,200 farmers, general management, short-term consultancies and institution building.