Ex-post evaluation of Basket fund to support the implementation of the National Strategies for the Development of Statistics II (NSDS2)
The scope of this evaluation encompassed EU contract entitled «Basket fund to support the implementation of the Second NSDS2 2014/15-2018/19; implementation period being 12/2016 – 11/2020» as well as the design and implementation of the Third NSDS, which is currently in progress.
The main objectives of the evaluation were to provide the relevant services of the EU, the interested stakeholders and the wider public with:
An overall independent assessment of the performance of the implementation of the Second NSDS, with a focus on the effectiveness of the funding modality (Basket fund), the NSDS results and outcomes as measured against the expected objectives, and the reasons underpinning those results
Identifying key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future interventions
In particular, the evaluation aimed at assessing both the overall performance of the intervention (and the reasons behind it) and whether the governance mechanism of the intervention allowed for a suitable and efficient representation of the interests of key stakeholders. This provided an assessment of whether future EU interventions in this sector are appropriate and needed and to suggest any potential revisions to the on-going NSDS3 implementation and the current EU Programme Estimate for NISR.
As the focus of the evaluation was on the assessment of achievements, the quality and the results of the intervention – the so-called “results chain” from outputs to outcomes to impact – the team of experts have looked for evidence of why, whether and how the EU intervention has contributed to the achievement of the results and seek to identify the factors driving or hindering progress. This was done by referring to the evaluation criteria of relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact. In addition, the evaluation has explored what capacity and coordination actions would be needed to scale up efforts to expand the NSDS coverage and assess whether NSDS3 in its current form reflects well the lessons learnt from NSDS1 and NSDS2 and provide potential recommendation for its improvement. The evaluation also aimed at examining the Basket Fund modality, with an eye to the other Donor Programmes (DPs) funding engagements and mechanisms as reflected in the NSS Steering Committee, where all sources of funding from the DPs converge. NISR research methodologies and data collection and production practices have been assessed, as per international standards.
Finally, thorough recommendations were provided, encompassing capacity needs, strategic objectives, data management, and governance structure.