Evaluation of three conflict resolution Centres in South Africa – ACCORD, SAIIA and CCR
Since the first democratic elections in South Africa in 1994, Sida has supported a number of regional organizations originally working from South Africa in the field of peace and security in Africa. In 2004 a decision was taken to support the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) , the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) and the Centre for Conflic Resolution (CCR) as well as two other peace and security institutions.
The objective of this evaluation was to follow up on comments and recommendations presented in an earlier Sida evaluation made in 2008. Sida wanted to assess the role, performance and impact of ACCORD, SAIIA and CCR as actors in the field of human security in Africa in close relation to results and comments in the 2008 evaluation. Special focus was put on ACCORD’s, SAIIA’s and CCR’s respective focus areas such as conflict management and peace building (ACCORD and CCR), and foreign policy, regional and economic integration and trade (SAIIA).