Evaluation of Swedish Research Cooperation with Tanzania, 2007-2013
The overall objective of the research programme was to strengthen the national research capacity and improve the quality of research conducted in Tanzania in areas of national relevance to contribute to poverty reduction and the country’s sustainable development. The research cooperation was designed to build up the capacities at the three largest public universities by setting-up post graduate Ph.D. and MA/M.Sc. programmes in relevant fields and to strengthen the institutional capacity for research management and promotion at COSTECH.
The purpose of the evaluation was three-fold:
- Analyse and assess the achievements of Swedish cooperation to strengthen the Tanzanian research and innovation system during the years 2009-2013.
- Serve as a basis for identifying the next steps for the country to achieve national and institutional sustainability for research.
- Contribute to “lessons learnt” to the development of the Swedish modality used to strengthen research and innovation systems in low-income countries.
Apart from assessing output and outcomes of the Swedish research cooperation in Tanzania, the evaluation provided guidance for future research cooperation in Tanzania and other low-income countries. While the evaluation focused on the cooperation between 2009 and 2013, it also provided a short historical overview of the cooperation since 1977, to appropriately analyse the research cooperation in its context.
The evaluation included four institutions receiving support from Sweden: University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Ardhi University (ARU), Muhimbili University for Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) and the Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH).
It focused on the capacity building aspects in the four institutions and their results (outputs, outcomes and impact) in three areas:
- Institutional capacity for research.
- The production of scientific results, their quality and relevance.
- The societal impact of building institutional research capacity.