Evaluation of MOPAN -The Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network
SIPU was contracted by OECD to conduct the Evaluation of MOPAN. The Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN) is a network of 17 donor countries assessing the organisational effectiveness of the major multilateral organisations that they fund.
The MOPAN Secretariat is the focal point for members and all actors involved in the assessment process as well as other interested parties on all MOPAN activities. It is responsible for implementing, coordinating and delivering the MOPAN Common Approach. From 2013 MOPAN will establish a permanent Secretariat hosted by the Development Cooperation Division at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). MOPAN’s "Common Approach" is a joint, annual assessment of a group of multilateral organisations in several developing countries. It is intended to generate relevant and credible information on multilateral organisations to assist MOPAN members in meeting domestic accountability requirements. It also aims to promote dialogue between MOPAN members, multilateral organisations and their direct partners on improving organisational learning and effectiveness over time.
The main purpose of the evaluation was to provide evidence for consideration amongst the members of MOPAN of its future orientations. It includes recommendations on the future scope and methodology of MOPAN in order to improve its relevance, effectiveness and efficiency. The evaluation served the dual purposes of accountability and learning by providing insight into whether MOPAN fulfils its mandate by answering a number of overarching questions regarding usefulness of reports, MOPAN’s contribution to maximising donor harmonisation and the use of appropriate methodology.