References | Asia & Pacific

Enabling Climate Change Response In Asia And The Pacific – Capacity Development To Address Climate Change (Subproject 3) (TA 7627-REG)

Civil Society, Environment and Climate Change, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

The third subproject TA 7627 Capacity Development to address Climate Change aimed to strengthen participating DMC  development practitioners'  capacity to apply the best available  climate change knowledge to development planning through four components:

  1. Achievement of development and climate change results;
  2. Climate change capacity development for policymakers, regulators and development professionals;
  3. A climate and air quality risk assessment tool (GENIES); and
  4. Application of development communications to improve climate responses.

TA  focused on capacity building,  funded two  Asia Leadership  Programs,  the pilot held in  May  2012  at ADB headquarters and  the  offering  in  India  in  February 2013. The pilot drew  60  participants,  11  of  whom  came  from DMCs.  In  Delhi,  69  government  officials  (from  25  countries  in  the  Asia  and  Pacific  Region)  including  three ministers/secretaries attended. The training programs offered diverse learning applications that included workshops, classroom demonstration and activity-based learning and field studies.