References | Central, Caribbean and South America

Elaboration of an integrated diagnosis and plan for the Sustainable use of the river basins Mira-Mataje and Carchi-Guitara, and Preparation of the EU-funded programme “Decentralized Management of Natural Resources in Ecuador


Employment, Land Administration, Natural Resource Management, Water Sector Services, Environment and Climate Change, Local Government and Decentralisation, Forestry, Natural Resource Management, Good Governance and Public Administration

Start date

End date

The purpose of the former assignment was to elaborate an integrated diagnosis and plan for the sustainable use of the river basins Mira-Mataje and Carchi-Guitara, and thereafter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ecuador requested further development of the plans, help to design pilot watershed management projects within the plans and strengthen involved institutions.

The involvement in the Sida funded project coincided to a large extent both geographically and thematically with the foreseen EU funded programme "Decentralized Management of Natural Resources in the three northern provinces i Ecuador: Carchi, Esmeraldas and Imbabura", and since the Ministry of Environment, responsible for the programme, lacked resources and capacity to elaborate plans and strategies for the programme, Sida provided funds to help with the necessary preparation for the starting up of the programme and contracted the Consultants SWECO-ORGUT for that purpose.