Document Management and Archiving Strategy for the Land Registry Digital Archives System and Tender Dossier for the Establishment of the Digital Archives for Selected Number of Land Registry Offices
This assignment was part of the Integrated Land Administration System Project (ILAS), which aims to modernise the land administration system in order to improve on the government services from the point of view of efficiency, transparency and cost. The Real Property Registration and Cadastre Project was completed in 2010 and is recognised as the pillar of the “Organized Land” National Land Administration Reform Program. The results of the reform were visible mostly in the reduced time needed for processing cases, backlog reduction and faster mortgage registration. At the end of the reform programme, preconditions had been created for the implementation of an efficient real property registration system and the Real Property Registration and Cadastre Joint Information System (JIS) had been completed. The JIS provides a unified database and application for keeping and maintaining the real property registration and cadastre data.
The next phase is a continuation of the Real Property Registration and Cadastre Project and ensures the continuity of the land administration reform as one of the priority reforms in the Republic of Croatia. It involves implementing the JIS throughout the Republic of Croatia. This will save time and money for the citizens by having the official extracts issued electronically as well as offering numerous other functionalities. This system is, therefore, one of the key instruments in the development of e-Croatia and the entrepreneurship as well as securing the public trust in the registers. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure the full use and functioning of the JIS that guarantees an efficient and rational real property registration system. Its linking with other registers, systems and sub-systems will ensure an integrated land administration system satisfying the needs of both the public and the private sectors.
This assignment was part of this next phase of work and aimed to develop a Document Management and Archiving Strategy for the Land Registry Digital Archives System and a Tender Dossier for the Establishment of the Digital Archives for Selected Number of Land Registry Offices. The Document Management and Digital Archive strategy was developed by ORGUT for the Ministry of Justice, Croatia which could be applied to all of the Land Registry Offices of Croatia. The project included an initial situation verification including site visits to Land Registry Offices and other stakeholders, and an assessment and understanding of the land registry system in Croatia and the different types of records produced and used by the system.