Design and Implementation Support of an Integrated Land Management Information System and Enhancing Accessibility of Land Records
The Government of Tanzania is keen to use ICTs for making government more accountable, responsive, transparent, increasing productivity, and enhancing competitiveness. The Ministry of Lands Housing and Human Settlements Development (MLHHSD) is transforming land management processes and operations. The transformation is intended to improve the ability of the Ministry and land offices in the Local Government Authorities to deliver services efficiently and effectively. In this regard, information communication technology has become a key transformation enabler in the Ministry. MLHHSD has received financing from two World Bank financed projects part of which would be applied towards the implementation of targeted e-Government applications that include enhancing accessibility of land records and putting in place an Integrated Land Management Information System (ILMIS). The projects are: (a) Tanzania Communications Infrastructure and e-Government Project (RCIP Tanzania); and (b) Private Sector Competitiveness Project (PSCP).
Major land reforms in Tanzania were introduced as result of the Land policy of 1995 and the subsequent Land laws. Increasing demand for land due to population growth has resulted into increase in a number of transactions and value for both land and properties. This increase has contributed to problems in operational processes, handling of different transactions in land, poor storage of land records and inefficiency in issuance of Title Deeds. Efforts to computerize land records started by developing application software known as Management of Land Information System (MOLIS). Other available applications include Land Rent Management System (LRMS), Valuation, file tracking and Survey Registration System (SRS). The mentioned applications operate in isolation, and some functions which are essential to creating a complete ILMIS are still operating manually.
The Consultant is providing services for the design of the Integrated Land Management Information System for the enhancement of accessibility of land records. The Consultant will provide a detailed project design and implementation plan after studying the existing manual and computerized systems and documents and will ensure that the system integrates all land related transactions and functions. The intended system will be used in all Land Offices under the MLHHSD and selected Local Government Authorities in Tanzania.