Defining Appropriate Organisational Structures and Staffing Levels at New Water Sector Institutions
TA is implemented by a team consisting of one national and two international consultants; specialists in Human Resources, Water Sector Reform, and Financial Management. TA services include the following:
• Review the existing information on organisational structures and staffing levels in the water sector organisations, based e.g. on the following: (1) Reports by the institutions to the Technical Committee (workload and workforce analysis), (2) Existing staff lists and organograms, (3) Staffing studies previously done, and (4) Other relevant documentation;
• Preparation of a technical background document for the Technical Committee Retreat on recommended organisational structures and staffing levels;
• Preparation of other required facilitation material for the Technical Committee Retreat;
• Review the staffing numbers of the Ministry (MWI) as proposed in the draft report based on the Inter-ministerial Technical Committee Retreat results;
• Collection and review of existing information about existing piped water supplies (currently operated by already established WSPs, Local Authorities, or WSBs as interim WSPs) and existing Water Service Providers. This includes e.g. the refined Rapid Assessment Data, material available with the Water Services Boards, etc.;
• Collection of the above mentioned material from WSBs will be carried out mainly by the WSBs themselves. KWSP long-term TAs shall assist in liaising with WSBs and instructing them in data collection;
• Field visits to selected Water Services Boards and Water Service Providers on a sampling basis to collect additional information and verify the data/information already collected (e.g. Rapid Assessment Data and inventories done by WSBs);
• Developing tentative staffing levels required for various types of water supplies and Water Service Providers (depending on size, type of treatment, complexity of distribution system, etc.) using staffing level criteria based on available information in Kenya and best practices in similar conditions;
• Developing a preliminary ‘data base’ on piped water supplies and Water Service Providers by WSB area and by district, to be further developed to a more comprehensive WSP database. The data base includes the present and suggested future staffing levels;
• Preparing a summary report on Water Service Providers.