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Danida FWA for reviews of Strategic Partnerships 2022-2025


Civil Society, Monitoring and Evaluation

Start date

End date

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (MFA) has entered into 18 Strategic Partnerships (SPA) with Danish Civil Society Organisations for the period 2022-2025. 20 reviews are expected to be conducted by the 3 consultants within the Contract Period. Tana Copenhagan and FCG Sweden are first ranked and will conduct 9 reviews during the contractual period.

The overall purpose of the SPA 2022-2025 is to implement the strategy for Denmark’s Development Cooperation ‘The World We Share’ through dynamic and mutually reinforcing partnerships between MFA and independent Danish CSO’s through the strategic priorities set out in the strategy, namely democratic values and human rights, fragile contexts and displacement and climate and green solutions.

The SPA contribute to civil society development and humanitarian action within shared thematic and geographic priorities in order to promote strategic and operational synergies and strengthen results towards the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The information note for SPA 2022-2025 as well as the administrative guidelines outlines overall requirements and framework for the partnerships. The SPA provide a predictable framework for a four-year period where the annual commitment is subject to parliamentary approval. The partnerships are awarded one single commitment to allow for a holistic, adaptive and integrated approach to programming in line with the MFA Adaptive Management and Doing Development Differently approach.

The SPA also include unallocated flexible funds to enable swift response to new or changing needs or opportunities and provide access to potential additional funding beyond the annual commitment (top-ups). Cooperation with civil society is a cornerstone in Danish development cooperation.

Purpose: The purpose of Assignment is to ensure effective and aligned review processes, coherence in focus and outline of the reviews, and to stimulate learning and analysis across the SPA-portfolio. Defining the overall scope of the reviews from the outset provides an opportunity to connect each review with an overall results- and quality assurance agenda within the MFA and use findings and recommendations to inform the ongoing and future work of each organisation, the SPA-modality and other relevant areas of the MFA.

Objective: The objective of each review is to assess the overall organisational capacity with a view to implement the organisation’s strategies and programmes and achieve agreed results under the engagement with the MFA. Thus, each review should overall assess the capacity, performance and strategic relevance of the reviewed organisation (Danish CSO) as a strategic partner. The review should include assessment of cross-cutting elements from the information note and guidelines. Each review should be able to stimulate learning and provide evidence for relevant organisational development and cross-cutting analysis. Finally, the review should include findings and recommendations for the reviewed organisation to follow-up upon and as critical input to the on-going dialogue between MFA and the organisations.

The review ought to be address 4 levels:

1. Strategic level: The review will take stock of the organisation’s strategic orientation and strategic relevance since engaging in the SPA with MFA.

2. Programmatic level: The review will assess the organisation and a sample of alliance/country offices and local partners’ capacity and ability to design, implement, monitor, learn from and ensure relevance of (results delivery) its programmes under the engagement with the MFA.

3. Organisational/administrative level:  The review will assess the organisation and a sample of alliance/country offices and local partners’ administrative and organisational capacity to deliver results under the engagement with the MFA.

4. Financial management level: The review will assess the adequacy, transparency and quality of the financial management setup, systems and procedures of the organisation, and a sample of alliance/country offices and local partners, and how the set-up contributes to the achievement of the results.