COVID Complementary measure – Support to SME
Overall objective
To mitigate the Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises in Montenegro, to improve the access of vulnerable MSME businesses to economic recovery, and to support the Montenegrin administration in mitigating the Impact of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on the MSME sector.
Specific Objectives
- To support the development of a Strategy for the circular transition of Montenegro until 2030;
- To provide advisory support and coaching for MSMEs in preparation and implementation of digital transformation to enhance competitiveness;
- To provide advisory support and coaching to skilled craftspeople and strengthen their capacity to overcome the negative effects of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic;
- Technical assistance for the development of diversified and authentic rural touristic solutions to assist in the post-COVID-19 recovery and further improvement of rural touristic households;
- Evaluation of the support against COVID-19 to the private sector in Montenegro.
Result 1: Support the development of a Strategy for circular transition in Montenegro until 2030
This activity was completed with acceptance of the CE Strategy and its Action Plan by the Government of Montenegro at the end of 2022. The design of the Strategy and printing was also completed, and translation provided.
Result 2: Advisory, support and coaching for MSMEs in the preparation and implementation of digital transformation to enhance competitiveness
The activity was completed by submitting the draft case studies developed for 11 MSMEs in June 2023 and by delivering eight training sessions as originally planned. The KE3 has also prepared the final evaluation note as per task 2.5 from the work plan which was finalised during June 2023.
Result 3: Advisory support and coaching to skilled crafts and strengthen their capacities in overcoming the negative effects of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
After the submission of the draft output the TAT had one final brief consultation with the representatives of the Directorate for Industrial and Regional Development at MERT as well as additional meetings with representatives of the crafts association so that the TAT managed to finalize the outputs with the evaluation included. Six (6) training sessions were also completed. The final two workshops were done outside of Podgorica so that dissemination of the information and results took place as well (in Bar and Bjelo Polje).
Result 4: Technical assistance for developing diversified and authentic rural touristic offers to help the post-COVID-19 recovery and further improvement of the rural touristic households.
This specific activity was completed with the submission of the draft program of Rural Tourism Development of Montenegro 2023-2025 and its action plan, as well as a Report on the activities in developed tourist destinations (Austria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Switzerland) and recommendations for a model and possibilities of using EU funds based on EU practice for the digital connection of rural households.
Result 5: Evaluation of COVID-19 support to the private sector in Montenegro
As planned with the work plan and as the activities on other components were prioritised by the beneficiary side, this assignment progressed during May, June and was finalized during July 2023. The whole team of experts were also assigned at the end of May, beginning of June 2023, after the acceptance of the project extension. So, the result of this component finished at the end of project implementation. The report outlined the main findings, challenges, and recommendations for future support to the private sector in Montenegro.