Consulting Services to Sida’s Helpdesk for Environment and Climate Change
Sida’s Helpdesk for Environment and Climate Change, which is commissioned by Sida to assist Sida staff in integrating environmental (including climate change and disaster risk reduction) perspectives into Swedish development cooperation. The Helpdesk gives support, on demand, by providing advice and strategic guidance on environmental integration at policy, program and project level. It also supports capacity building, development of tools and methods for environmental integration and dialogue concerning environmental issues. The Helpdesk is managed by Gothenburg Centre for Environment and Sustainability (GMV) and the Swedish University of Agriculture Sciences (SLU) in collaboration with ORGUT. Support can be provided in different areas:
Program/project support
- Formulation of Terms of Reference for an Environmental Assessment (EIA or SEA)
- Advice on Environmental Assessments–, including climate change issues.
- Review of Environmental Assessments
- Budget support – Identifying environmental risks and opportunities related to budget support through environmental economic analyses of national budgets, public expenditure reviews etc.
- Sector, Programme and Project level environmental indicators – Identifying Sector, Programme and Project level environmental indicators (e.g. in LFA) to facilitate follow-up and mainstreaming environment and climate change indicators in results based management.
- Act as dialogue partner for Sida and partners to mainstream environment throughout the implementation cycle
Strategy Process Support
- Synthesise information on key environmental and climate change related concerns, their links to development and poverty reduction, different sectors, and possible implications for Swedish development cooperation.
- Support the results strategy process, for instance related to integration of environment and climate change, resilience, green economy/growth, clean energy, how to address MDG 7
- Review or provide support in drafting the results strategy proposal to enhance integration of environment and climate change, resilience, MDG 7, etc.
- Provide support in the process of identifying environmental and climate change results and indicators at Sector, Programme and Project level
- Training, seminars and coaching before, during or after the results strategy process.
- Support to global, regional or country level dialogue and negotiations on policies and methods for environmental mainstreaming in development cooperation.
- In-depth studies, analytical reports and thematic background documents – Background material to e.g. policy and strategy processes.
- Methods, guidance and tools – Support to development of methods, guidance and tools for integrating environment in Sida’s work.
- Training, seminars and coaching – Support of capacity development and training, including training material, seminars and coaching.
Up to date ORGUT has carried a number of studies and reviews for the Helpdesk in areas such as natural resources, water and sanitation, land access as well as environment and climate change.