References | Africa, south of Sahara

Consultancy Services for Detail Design and Tender Document Preparation (Phase 1) for Sibilu Dam and Ancillary Structure, Pumping Station, Weserebi Treatment Plan and Transmission Main and Distribution System


Water Sector Services, Natural Resource Management, Natural Resource Management

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End date

Detailed design and bidding documents prepration for the increased Surface Water Resources of The Addis Ababa Water III Project toward achieving the 2030 increasing demand of Addis Ababa city. Design of Sibilu Dam and Ancillary Structure, Pumping Station, Weserebi Treatment Plan and Transmission Main and Distribution System.
Access more water from Surface Water Resources of The Addis Ababa Water III Project toward achieving the 2030 increasing demand of Addis Ababa city through the sustainable exploitation of a major new water source specifically from Sibilu impoundment.

– To undertake detail design, Environmental, Social and Economic Impacts assessment, tender document preparation, of the Sibilu Dam and Ancillary Structures, Pumping Stations, Wesserbi Treatment Plant (505MLD), Transmission Mains and Distribution Systems and other required civil works

– To build the operating and design supervision staff of AAWSA and also prepare and operate quality assurance plans throughout the assignment;

– To prepare a document for financing options and implementation plan for the different components of the project