Consultancy Contract for the Preparation of a Comprehensive Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Program
The objective of this Sector Technical Assistance is to identify critical gaps in the water supply and sanitation service delivery in Sri Lanka and provide the information, tools and the knowhow to guide the sector with a strategic direction by the preparation of a Comprehensive Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Program (CWSSSP) up to year 2030.
The assignment consists of 6 tasks as follows:
Task 1: Strategic Overview and Assessment of the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector – review of the present situation, core issues, challenges, causes, constraints, effects and gaps.
Task 2: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Development – assessing development needs up to Year 2025 and 2030.
Task 3: Water Resources and Environment – review of available water resources and identification of required water resources developments to meet the future water demand in context of climate change scenarios.
Task 4: Institutional and Policy Framework – review of existing framework and recommend adjustments and modifications to sustain the sector
Task 5: Sector Investment and Financing – preparing a sector investment plan with financing strategy and a plan to implement the projects by year 2030.
Task 6: Water Supply & Sanitation Sector Program and Road Map – prepared based on the outcomes of tasks 1-5.