References | Europe

Civil Society Ukraine, Lot 3, phase 1


Civil Society, Training Programmes, Fund Management

Start date

End date

Specific objective(s)
SO1. Support setting in place tools to support EU staff in planning and delivery of EU support to CSOs in Ukraine.
SO2. To ensure continuity and maintenance of the EU- civil society dialogue and promotion of EU support to CSOs in Ukraine.

Under the strategic support component, the project team prepared guidance and synthesis notes, overviews and presentation materials covering EU’s support to civil society in Ukraine. Some of the most important included a concept note for EU's possible future support and an overall EU presentation. The latter still needs to be further adapted to the EU templates and particular needs when used. Nonetheless, it contains the main elements. The team also developed the presentation for promoting the Call for Proposal (EuropeAid/168048/ DD/ACT/UA). These documents, inter alia, provided input to notes and reports on the impact of ongoing and past EU funded civil society projects. The team also accompanied the EUD Task Manager in online donor meetings. On behalf of the Task Manager, the team leader took part in the online ISAR Ednannia's Forum and participated in the SHKALA Forum.

Furthermore, the project team prepared the concept for an online information session to promote the CfP. The CfP information session was attended by 530 users while the call’s YouTube announcement had 1800 views and the website announcement 5 000 visits. This exemplifies the wide outreach.

The team also developed and delivered 3 sessions for Concept Note development for potential applicants. One of the CN trainings had 22 participants (limited participation to ensure adequate facilitation and discussion). The training was recorded and made available on the EUProstir's Website, where it reached some 7 000 viewers.

In addition, the project team supported four thematic sessions: Societal resilience and response to conflict; Good governance and reforms, including security and migration; Green, digital and resilient economy, including investments in connectivity infrastructure and Human capital development. Reports were drafted by the team for each of the sessions.

Finally, during last weeks of the project, the team developed and delivered a participatory process for updating the 'Country Roadmap for EU Engagement with Civil Society (2021-2023). The process included CSOs from western, eastern and central & southern Ukraine. Following the consultations reports were drafted for each of the regions as well as a summarising report on the consultations for the post-2020 EU support. The Roadmap was updated.

Under the communication support component, the project team supported the integration of EU Prostir into the existing EU e-learning platforms (detailed list in Annex A.2. contains the 119 different support modalities).

As regards content generation on results and impact of EU’s support to civil society (in close coordination with other ongoing projects), the team mainly supported the pitching by GOZNAMY.

The team designed and supported the implementation of SHKALA – Social and Behaviour Change Communication Forum, strengthened communication capacities, supported crisis communication training and developed a manual for crisis communication. To various Facebook groups the team offered training and information on how to evaluate communication, how to pitch stories to media and how to enhance public relations.

When it comes to maintaining EUProstir, the project supported the running of its website, where project related information, such as tweets and newsletters, were posted.

Finally, during the scoping and promotion missions to the regions – in order to identify communication-related needs post 2020, the team supported the CSOs media and public relations (focusing on human interest stories related to #BeatCOVID19). Main areas of support included support to the #BeatCOVID19 campaign, pitching of #BeatCOVID19 projects to media and promoting the campaign on Facebook and Twitter.

There were 3 819 newsletter subscribers (one was sent to 10 000 email addresses), the GOZNAMY publications reached on average 864 people and 14 beatCOVID19 stories were published. The beatCOVID19 stories posted on Facebook reached on average 1 560 people (28 stories were published on FB). In total 129 tweets, plus 15 tweets related to the beatCOVID19, were posted.