Assignment for the coordination of activities with the International Financial Institutions-Sub Saharan Africa
1. Global objective
The overall objective of this assignment is to support INTPA A2 with the coordination, conceptualization, and implementation of activities with IFIs that are operating in Sub-Saharan Africa.
2. Specific objective(s)
The purpose of the assignment is to provide administrative and on demand technical support to INTPA A2 and facilitate the consultation and outreach to relevant stakeholders in the field of sustainable investment in Sub-Saharan Africa, with an emphasis on the International and Development Financial Institutions, aiming to: support the organisation of meetings, provide on demand advice and analysis on the policies and project pipelines, provide support in the stages of the EU Blending Project cycle4 and facilitate the cooperation with the IFIs.
3. Requested services, including suggested methodology
The contractor is asked to develop a methodology corresponding to the objectives and results described hereafter. An indicative and non-exhaustive series of activities, processes, and deliverables to be performed by the contractor for each result is described below. This should be further developed in the contractor’s offer as part of its Organisation and Methodology. A variety of outputs such as briefings, concept notes, background notes, action documents, policy analysis, programme reviews, learning and communication materials for trainings/workshops and other events, etc. are expected from the experts.